What Am I exploring at the moment..Oct 18th 2022

What Am I exploring at the moment..Oct 18th 2022

I have ADHD and as such I find it hard to spend too long on any tasks during the day. Also any paintings that I do are normally a maximum of three sittings.

I am lucky enough to have a sculptural practice working in steel as well as being able to work in watercolour and acrylic paint.

Mostly I do my explorative painting in acrylic. This is the medium that I use to explore ideas and themes about being human.

I started a series of paintings while I was doing my degree in 2015 exploring John Singer Sargent's Painting "Gassed" All my paintings were of modern people around the age of 18-20 in modern clothes wearing blindfolds and standing in front of a yellow background.

I have decided to follow this series but merge it with the series of Bench paintings that I have done over the last couple of years.


In this series I was trying to get across the idea that human presence in the landscape is very transitory.

This is where I have got to so far with the new one:

I have some way to go with this one yet, I'm not very happy with the figure in the background to the right of the painting. It is only blocked in at the moment, Ill have a go at adding more detail to it. If it doesnt work I may paint it out altogether.










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