What is the History of the Iconic Saab 900? October 26, 2023Title: The Saab 900: A Timeless Classic – Design, Production, and Worldwide Sales When discussing iconic cars of the 20th century, the Saab 900 undoubtedly finds its place as a...
How did the Porsche Cayman come to be? Blog post October 24, 2023The Cayman made its debut in 2006, entering the market as the younger sibling to the legendary Porsche 911. Designed by Pinky Lai, the Cayman bore the classic Porsche aesthetics...
August 2023 August 31, 2023Its been a busy summer, I decided that my studio was too small and draughty so I sold my camper van this year and used most of the money to...
Is it worth entering art competitions part 2 February 22, 2023 Is it worth entering art competitions part 2 It is worth being careful when selecting the types of art competitions that you enter. I have a rule for myself,...
Is it worth entering art competitions? December 29, 2022The fourth reason why you may want to enter competitions is that it is a part of the lifestyle of an active artist and gets you into the opening events of the...
December as an artist December 15, 2022The last couple of weeks have fortunately been very busy indeed. Unfortunately for two of them I have been suffering from Covid, but finally getting over it now and have...